
Price Edge Listed as a “Representative Vendor” in Gartner’s Market Guide for B2B Price Optimization and Management Software

May 6, 2019 in News

Price Edge, a fast-growing provider of Price Optimization & Management (PO&M) solutions, announced today that the company has been listed in the “Market Guide for B2B Price Optimization and Management Software,” published by Gartner on March 27, 2019.

Utilized by some of the world’s leading companies, Price Edge’s technology enables company-wide price transformations leading to increased margins, more efficient pricing operations, and more satisfied customers. Price Edge’s primary offer is a cloud-based PO&M solution that makes it dramatically simpler for enterprises of all sizes to set and manage optimal prices.

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Why you need a price management software

August 31, 2018 in Blog

The good news is if you want to get anywhere at within pricing in the early days, you’ll have a handful of Excel files in place.  Which is great. In fact, it’s amazing.

Getting control of your pricing and putting a price framework in place is though. Who wants to run prices by another person and have the time to collect, clean and package the data needed for better pricing? And you did it.

And yet …

It probably won’t be enough. 5 Excel files, 50 sheets, whatever the number is. It’s not scalable. In fact, it may seem like you will everything would fall apart if you left the company.

I get it, I’ve been there. In fact, most price managers have. At one point its simply time to leverage up to a price management software and leave the Excel files behind. You will know when.

Sounds familiar? You’re not alone.

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