
6 Red Flags to Watch For When You Do a PO&M System Comparison

April 15, 2020 in Blog

Considering the wealth of information available online, it’s easier than ever to make informed purchasing decisions. On the flip side, it’s just as easy to feel like you’re drowning in wave after wave of value propositions and unique selling points when shopping for a PO&M solution.

Knowing the features you need and the prices that suit you is great, while understanding how to choose a PO&M tool that will give you the best possible price advantage is essential. On the other hand, understanding the things to avoid can often be just as helpful, especially if you have too many candidates to choose from.

To help you navigate through the crowded market of price optimization & management tools and software, we cover the six biggest signs that a PO&M software would be more of a problem than a solution.
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Advantages of PO&M software: Three steps to help you find the right one

December 5, 2019 in Blog

Convinced that adopting PO&M software is the next step on your journey to pricing excellence? Then your first task is to figure out which one will work best for you and your pricing team, and then to evaluate the benefits of using a PO&M software.

There are hundreds of tools listed in Capterra’s price optimization software directory alone, not to mention on the market as a whole. The available features range from simple price data management to full-blown price optimizations & process automation.

The three steps outlined below will help point you in the right direction so you can start drawing up a list of PO&M options and their advantages that will lift you and your team up rather than weighing you down.

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What is Price Optimization & Management (PO&M)?

November 10, 2019 in Blog

What is Price Optimization & Management and how should you choose the right PO&M solution for your business?

‘Price Optimization & Management’ or ‘PO&M’ for short, refers to the technology and processes that an organization uses to efficiently manage and optimize the price of its products and services, both external and internal, including actions such as:

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